At Boys & Girls Clubs (NI) we are currently offering the following in relation to GOVERNANCE;
Strategic & Operational Planning
Facilitated discussion with Board and staff leadership
Supported production of a 3 Year Strategic Plan – based on researched EA/ DE Youth Work priorities, needs & interests of key stakeholders Delivering 4 sessions with Board members on areas of work including: Staffing; quality assurance; finance; marketing Coached Worker-in-charge Provided advice/guidance
Governing Document Review & Support
Conducted initial audit of all key governance related policies and procedures in line with EA and legal requirements
Provided report on any gaps and made recommendations for improvement
Established a schedule of key policies reviews and updating
Signposted to additional sources of support
Youth Information and Communications
Support for clubs to develop a communications strategy incorporating use of multimedia
Surveyed service user needs and wants
Reviewed the use of social media as part of marketing/PR strategy
Established qualitative and quantitative measures of successes
Young Trustees Training
Young trustees (Management Committee & Senior Members Committee) & Club Representatives. A bespoke empowerment education & participation programme – upskilling and awareness raising through training & participation.
Please have a look here for more information on additional support including FREE Safeguarding Training.