Programme of targeted activity during July and August, to support a range of children and young people

The summary of the below is………….. I recognise the important role the Voluntary and Uniformed Youth Sectors play in supporting our young people and welcome your continued assistance in providing such support in new and innovative ways during this very challenging time.
I have agreed with Executive colleagues a programme of targeted activity during July and August, to support a range of children and young people. This includes permission for youth work settings who wish to do so to provide some limited activities, with a focus on 9-13 year olds and priority those known to youth workers who would most benefit from engaging in youth-led activities.

Peter Weir MLA
Minister of Education



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Stay Safe Stay Out

Stay Safe Campaign

Below is a letter from the STAY SAFE campaign reminding us all to remember to pass on the message “Stay Safe Stay Out”.
We are writing to you to ask you to support our national safety campaign which
aims to warn young people about the dangers of trespassing in disused or active
quarries. With the current COVID19 Emergency this years campaign has taken on
added significance with most children off school and the added temptation of
warm and sunny weather.

Stay Safe Campaign
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