Do Something Active provided online and valued support to young people throughout the lockdown periods. This involved aspects around emotional wellbeing, innovative methods to staying active, weight management and social wellbeing. We had seven clubs signed up to participate in the online activity programme including, St Bernard’s Youth Centre, Upper Andersonstown Community Forum & Dundonald High School. Navigating and delivering this project throughout lockdown had clear benefits, an evaluative response exercise stated that “the DSA programme acted as an escape for me and helped keep my mind away from the anxiety of the situation”.
PROJECT AMBASSADORS talked with the young women on the DSA project to encourage and inspire them to stay involved with sport and exercise. Aiofe Callaghan, Basketball Ireland Team; Lauren Bohill, Trainee Barrister & Irish Dancing Champion; Marisa Callaghan, NI Women’s Football Captain; and Michaela Walsh, Irish Boxing Champion, all spoke with the young women about their experiences during lockdown and the importance of resilience and staying active.