The Coronavirus pandemic has presented huge challenge globally to the health and wellbeing of
everyone. Boys & Girls Clubs adapted to the new circumstances, legislation and social restrictions
whilst reducing disruption where possible to support services and programme delivery. Our Offices were closed to the public from 18th March 2020.
Due to previous investment in digital infrastructure, Boys & Girls Clubs was able to successfully and rapidly move all staff to homeworking in line with Government legislation and guidelines and to fundamentally change our mode of service delivery. Our priorities were focused on supporting staff to adjust to new ways of working, supporting their wellbeing and their capacity to provide service to others and to rapidly transition to remote delivery so we could maintain high levels of responsiveness to the needs of young people and member youth organisations.
Boys & Girls Clubs initially responded to the impact of the pandemic on young people and member
clubs by producing and circulating COVID-related information and guidance, self-help videos on
physical & emotional resilience and maintenance of personal health and wellbeing, as well as engaging and supporting young people and their support workers through new health & wellbeing projects and workforce training programmes and support services delivered online.
We also continued to develop services to our membership throughout the year; Boys & Girls Clubs
engaged & supported 908 young people and their support staff in 2020-21. To achieve this, we
organised a dynamic online programme of youth work & Health & wellbeing activities and club support services which included: the Do Something Healthy & Do Something Active, health & wellbeing programmes as well as two Together Building a United Community (T:BUC) projects through which young people could learn, enjoy and achieve together in online activities.